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Urgent Concern: Extremist Group in Pakistan Threatens Christians and Promotes Destruction and Death
21 Churches set of fire in Jaranwala by Muslim mob
NCJP organizes program to mark International Labor Day
Rwadari Tehreek interfaith Iftar gathering pledges unity for peaceful Pakistan
Malaika Sabir aged 13, a Christian minor seeking for Justice
Muslims succeed in soon making India a Theocratic State, the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. By Hem Raj Jain
Where is Asia Bibi? A mystery surrounds about her whereabouts. By Dr. Nazir Bhatti
A Pakistani Jew to visit Israel is shift in policy. By Dr. Nazir Bhatti
Pakistani Christians faced worst religious freedom issues in year 2018. By Nazir S Bhatti
PCC to write North American, EU, UK and Australian to keep eye on fundraising for SKH in Pakistan
Nazir Bhatti appeals Pope Francis not to visit Pakistan.
To celebrate Minority Day is mockery with 20 million Pakistani Christian
PCC demands immediate suspension of Passport officer at Pakistan Embassy in Bangkok
UNHCR and Thai government responsible for death of Pakistani Asylum seeker in Bangkok IDC
Altaf Hussain reserves legal right to seek support of Modi under Liaquat-Nehru Pact
Census 2017 will not benefit Christians in due share in federation of Pakistan
PCC demands formation of Christian Personal Law Board Pakistan
PCC urges government to provide security to legal team and family of Asia Bibi
Nawaz Sharif UNGA speech contrary to human rights situation of minorities in Pakistan
Comments about situation of Pakistani Christian by provincial Christian minister are untrue
Imran Khan cuts down minority funds for Islamic seminary in KPK annual budget
Muslims divided Indian subcontinent on treatment as untouchable by Hindu majority
Christian divorce act repealed by Lahore High Court on submission of Bishops
PCC condemn target killing of Khurram Zaki
PCC condemns target killing of Sikh leader Sardar Soran Singh in KPK province
PCC demands action against school administration on denying admission to Christians
Canadian Premier Trudeau scraps Religious Freedom office dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti
Bilawal Bhutto not concerned about Pakistani Christian minority
PCC condemn Asyia Nasir statements and warns UNHCR on managing meeting of Pakistan delegation with asylum seekers
PCC demands CM Punjab to arrest PTI leader and SHO in murder of Liaquat Masih
Pakistan Christian Congress demands adequate security during Christmas season
PCC condemns CDA official version on Christian slums of Islamabad
PCC writes letter to Commissioner UNHCR on impartial interpreters
PCC welcomes Catholic Church of Pakistan demand for voting rights in LB elections in Punjab
PCC announces Central Executive Council CEC for next term
Sooba Bhatti Advocate nominated as President of PCC Sindh
Registration of blasphemy case against Christian in Gujrat violates religious freedom: PCC
Pak government cannot lodge legal reference against Altaf Hussian due to signed Pact with India
Government of Pakistan letter about health of blasphemy victim Asia Bibi is unsatisfactory
No justice on lynching of Christian Children, Women and Men by Muslim mobs in Pakistan
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn suicide bombing in Churches
Feudal mindset of Imran Khan to elect John William as Senator from KPK
PCC condemns arrest of peaceful Christian protestors against attack on Churches in India
A group of Muslim lawyers blocking justice in killer Mumtaz Qadri case
Christian condemn statement of Lahore Bishop to enforce Islamic Sharia
PCC Councils dissolved;
Christian couple burnt alive on accusation of blasphemy in Pakistan
Pakistan Christian Congress demands justice for Asia Bibi
Christian demand formation of Separate Christian Province in Pakistan
National Commission under ‘Liaquat-Nehru Pact’ can solve issues of Pakistani Minorities
PCC strongly condemn killing of Christian MPA of Balochistan Assembly
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn killing of PAT workers in Lahore
Muslim blasphemer pardoned while death for Christian accused of blasphemy in Pakistan
PCC Punjab Youth Conference held in Lahore
Allama Tahir Ashrafi statement on blasphemy law victims is surprising. Nazir Bhatti
Will Pakistan ever give right to vote to minorities like India? By Dr. Nazir S Bhatti
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn death sentence to Christian couple
PCC condemn death sentence of Sawan Masih on accusations of blasphemy
Muslim-Christian tools of British Raj and Resolution of Pakistan; By Dr. Nazir S Bhatti
PCC join hands with local political group
PCC nominates Shamim Masih as Secretary Information of Pakistan Christian Congress
Christians are fleeing from Pakistan where Gul Sher will flee? By Nazir S Bhatti
Pakistani Christian to struggle for repeal of blasphemy law, dual voting and equal rights in 2014
Prime Minister of Pakistan claims not true that Christian enjoying equal rights
PCC appeals UN Secretary General to take notice of Pakistani Christian refugees in South and Eastern Asian countries
PCC files petition in IHC for Elections in Local Government elections in Punjab
PCC questions dialogues with Talban after justification of attack on Peshawar Church under Sharia
PCC demands probe in selling organs of dead Christian of Peshawar Church bombing
Christians are not enjoying equal rights as claimed by PM Nawaz Sharif in UN speech
Pakistan Christian Congress strongly condemn Peshawar Church attack
Government snatches voting right from Pakistani Christians in Local Body elections
Pakistani Christians observing Minority Day as “Day of Slavery”
PCC write to PM of UK to not take any action against Altaf Hussain
Some Churches and NGO,s lavishly spent millions on Muslim leaders in Election 2013
Silence of PM, CJ and CM Punjab on naked parade of Christian women condemned
PCC urges Nawaz government to denationalize Christian School and Colleges
PCC vows to campaign for due basic equal rights of Pakistani Christians
Christian’s boycott of elections can block conspiracy to impose Salafi Islam in Pakistan
Christian in Pakistan will observe Black Day to boycott Elections
Notifications of Election Commission of Pakistan on Minorities seats are unconstitutional
Pakistan Christian Congress have reservations on data of Christian voters
Pakistan Christian Congress demands publication of data of Christian voters
Pakistani Christians condition support on repeal of blasphemy to Muslim parties
Christian declared to be constitutional "Infidels" by government of Pakistan. By Nazir S Bhatti
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn court activism against MQM
Pakistani Christian support MQM Referendum with Reservations
Pakistani Christians are victim of Target Killing and Islamic Extremism
Formation of Separate Christian Province in Pakistan is and outstanding demand of PCC
Akbar Bugti will ever remain milestone for struggle of rights and democracy in Pakistan
Demand of Separate Christian Province is voice of 20 million Pakistani Christians
Pakistani Christian will not vote PPP if Paul Bhatti included in new cabinet
Blasphemy law and Kingdom of Kuwait. By Nazir S Bhatti
Ignoring demand of Separate Christian Province shall endanger sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan
Pakistan Christian Congress pays Tribute to Cecil Choudhry
Enforcedly converted Hindu women under life threat in shelters
Pakistani Christian deprived of due share in Senate of Pakistan
Senate of Pakistan elections not in favor of Christian
Pakistani Christian demand inclusion of Separate Christian Province in 20th Amendment draft
Pakistani Christian appeal Nazir S Bhatti to contest Senate of Pakistan seat
UN intervention demanded to end genocide of Pakistani Christian. Human Right Day
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn PTA on banning word Jesus in Text messages
Parvez Musharraf never gave Dual Voting right to Pakistani Christian
Pakistan where Judges or victims of blasphemy law are killed or forced to exile: By Nazir Bhatti
Imran Khan have no program for Pakistani Christians, Hindus and Ahmadi,s
Pakistan Christian Congress Condemn massacre of Egyptian Christians
Pakistan Christian Congress demands release of Iranian Pastor Yusuf Nadarkhani
Christian welcome Altaf Hussain,s statement on Ideology and History of Pakistan
Demand of Separate Christian Province is our constitutional right in Pakistan
PPP regime has pushed Pakistani Christian from 2nd class to 3rd class citizen. Nazir Bhatti
Pakistan Government conspiring to Swallow Martyrdom Title of Shahbaz Bhatti
National Harmony Ministry cannot be substitute of Minority Ministry of Pakistan
PCC will file revised petition in UN for Refugee Status of Pakistani Christians.
Jubilant Muslims on Provincial Autonomy Day swallow Identity of Pakistani Christians
Pakistani Christian condemn devolution of Federal Minority Ministry
Pakistan government reduces Christian representation and damages their national identity
Christian Minster forbidden to present annual budget of Punjab province of Pakistan.
No one can dare to Ban Holy Bible in Pakistan. Nazir Bhatti
Nazir S Bhatti to speak on “Torture as Weapon of State Terrorism in Pakistan and Iran” in Washington DC
Rising misuse of Blasphemy law in Pakistan demands repeal of controversial law
Dual Voting Right can ensure equal right for Christian in Pakistan
Joint Electorate reduces Christian representation in National Assembly of Pakistan
Judicial Commission demanded to probe in Shahbaz Bhatti Assassination
Killing of Shahbaz Bhatti is failure of Pakistan government
Pakistan Christian Congress strongly condemn assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti
Christian not feeling safe in Pakistan. By Nazir S Bhatti
Pakistani Christian pay tribute to Shaheed Salman Taseer. By Nazir S Bhatti
Release Asia Bibi and Repeal Blasphemy law demands Nazir Bhatti in Seminar at Capital Hill Washington
Pakistan Christian Leader Nazir Bhatti Calls for Human Rights, Release of Aasia Bibi. By R.E.A.L. Organization
Pakistan Christian Congress Files Petition in UN to release Asia Bibi
Implementation of blasphemy law on Asia Bibi is un-Islamic. Nazir Bhatti
Pakistan Christian Congress to file petition in UN to release Asia Bibi on December 2
PCC and PCA to rally in front of UN offices New York for release of Asia Bibi
Pakistan Christian Congress demands immediate release of Asia Bibi
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn killing of Iraqi Christian worshipers
Cash settlement on rape and murder of teenage Christian girl is black spot on Pakistani government
PCC congratulates new Dutch Government
“Anti-Islam Action and Speech Resolution“ in UNHRC by Pakistan is to globalize Radical Islam
“Burn a Koran Day” can harm religious minorities in Islamic states
USCIRF Commissioner asks Pakistan to repeal blasphemy law; PCC Conference in Washington
PCC Conference on August 2, 2010. On Killing of Pakistani Christians in Washington DC
Pakistani Christian Association in America PCA condemn brutal killing of Christian Brothers.
PCC Conference to condemn killing blasphemy victims and Gojra Anniversary in Washington DC
Pakistan Christian Congress nominates Watson Gill as Coordinator in EU
PCC to observe Anniversary of Gojra Christian massacre in Washington DC
Pakistan Christian Congress condemn suicide attack on Data Darbar
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