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NCJP organizes program to mark International Labor Day

Hyderabad: May 23, 2019. (Rubina David) On 17th May 2019, a program on International Labor Day was organized by National Commission for Justice and Peace at Karo Khoo Village Kotri-Jamshoro. A total number of 51 participants including NCJP activists and some members of religious community participated in the program. The program started with a prayer by Fr. Babar John Parish Priest -Kotri.

Mr. Pervaiz Akbar (Volunteer NCJP) was the facilitator of the program. He gave the introduction of the program. He said that today we are gathered to celebrate International Labor Day to enhancing our understanding on the issues, challenges and responsibilities for the labors in Pakistan and observe how we can play an effective role in the protection of Labor’s rights specially those who belong to religious minorities in Pakistan.

Mr. Shahroz Raza Khan (HRD-NCJP) talked about history of Labor Day. Also, he addressed issues and challenges faced by workers like: discrimination in daily wages, threats by land lords, bounded labor, harassment and force conversion etc. He said that Labor community of Pakistan is facing many challenges due to lack of unity, awareness and also government interest.

Mr. Imtiaz Amanat (Coordinator-NCJP) said that today we are here to remember the efforts of workers and their contribution to the economy of the country, and the financial support of their families, and to appreciate the groups who engage in promoting the rights of labors. He gave awareness about legislation of labor rights.

 Participants increased their awareness of the issues and challenges facing workers both men and women in both urban and rural areas. The necessity of positive actions on the part of the state to draw up laws and policies to promote and protect Labor’s rights was highlighted.

At the end of the program, Fr. Shahrukh Nathaniel OFM (Diocesan Director) thanked to Fr. Babar John Parish Priest -Kotri, pastoral team for their great cooperation. He also thanked to all the participants for their time and presence.


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