New York: March 24, 2011. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC and President of Pakistani Christian Association in North America PCA urged Secretary General UN, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon, to intervene to ensure justice for oppressed Pakistani Christian who are victimized under Islamic laws and treated as 2nd class citizen. Mr. Bhatti was addressing a protest gathering of Pakistani Christian Diaspora in front of UN building in New York, to condemn assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti.
Mr. William Shahzad, Chairman Pakistan Christian Association, Mr. Tariq Javed Executive Director International Community Care Foundation (USA), Mr. James Cyprian Chief Coordinator Peace World Wide, Rev. Ilyas Gill Coordinator Pakistani Catholic Apostolate, Rev. Pervaiz Khokhar Sutun-e-Haqq Assembly of God Church, Rev. Aslam Daniel Indo-Pak Methodist Church, Bishop Javed Nawab (New Jersey), Pastor Farooq John (Albany, NY) and Mr. Arif Khokhar President Pakistani American Christian Foundation also addressed the gathering.
The protestors carried play cards with slogans “Repeal Blasphemy Law” “Stop Killing Christians in Pakistan” “Christian condemn Islamic extremism in Pakistan” “Arrest killers of Shahbaz Bhatti” “We salute Martyr Shahbaz Bhatti” The scores of Pakistani Christian chanted slogans “Mullahaism Murdabad” “Shaheed Shahbaz Bhatti is our hero”
Fr. Ilyas Gill read out Resolution adopted by Christian Civil Society activists and Church leaders of Pakistani Christian Diaspora which was submitted to office of the Secretary General of UNO.
The protest started at 12:00 Noon at 1st Avenue and 47 street corner in front of United Nations Building where hundreds of participated in prayers for slain Christian leader Shahbaz Bhatti.
Dr. Nazir Bhatti expressed concerns on failure of Prime Minister of Pakistan to offer prayers for Shahbaz Bhatti in National Assembly of Pakistan. He said that its mockery to sacrifice of Martyr Shahbaz Bhatti that Pakistani Missions in Washington, London, Holland, UAE and other countries are arranging prayers for him to show so-called moderate face of Pakistan.
Nazir Bhatti demanded constitution of Judicial Commission headed by acting Justice of SCP to investigate assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti expressing doubts on police investigating team.