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Pakistani Christian demand inclusion of Separate Christian Province in 20th Amendment draft

Karachi: January 8, 2012. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC has appealed Muslim Political Parties to include outstanding demand of Pakistani Christians of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab in 20th Amendment draft resolution.

Pakistan Christian Congress PCC is demanding formation of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab since 1992.

Dr. Nazir Bhatti said “Formation of new provinces in Pakistan on ethnic and cultural basis are dangerous for integrity and solidarity of Pakistan that is why PCC always demanded formation of new provinces in Pakistan on administrative basis as unit of federation of Pakistan”

“Pakistani Christian support formation of new provinces on division of Punjab as; North Western Punjab province, Bahawalpur Province, Central Punjab Province and Separate Christian Province in South Western areas of Punjab” said Nazir Bhatti

Bhatti added “PCC also supports formation of new province on division of KPK province as Central KPK and South Eastern KPK”

It will be very serious issue to declare FATA as new Tribal Province as it will create tension with Afghanistan and Western borders of Pakistan will become insecure as its disputed land and same will dilute Pakistani society under more influence of Islamic extremism, drug and arms mafia, commented PCC Chief.

Christian leader warned Muslim political parties to not ignore demand of Pakistani Christians for formation of Separate Christian Province on division of Punjab as an administrative unit of federation of Pakistan.

The All Indian Christian Association leaders favored formation of Pakistan in London Round Table conferences in 1930-32, on assurances of Mohammad Ali Jinnah that equal rights will be awarded to Christians in Pakistan as people of Book but regimes in Pakistan have deceived millions of Pakistani Christians turning them 2nd class citizens.

In 18th Amendment Muslim leaders abolished right of Separate Electorate of Christians to hijack their vote bank and to impose on them tools of their choice in parliament but ignored to touch controversial Islamic laws imposed on them damaging their religious freedom in Pakistan.

How Muslim political forces can forget that Mohammad Ali Jinnah committed in writing to award Separate Electorate to Christians that they may elect their representation in parliament by their votes but they deceived Founder of Pakistan and Christians by imposing Joint Electorate in which Christians are denied right to elect their representation by their votes.

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in meeting in Lahore after independence of Pakistan in 1947, when enquired from SP Singha, President of All India Christian Association that what he can do to ensure rights of Christians in Pakistan? Mr. SP Singha asked Mohammad Ali Jinnah to give him in writing that right of Separate Electorate will not be withdrawn ever in Pakistan on which he signed a document.

Nazir Bhatti said that Presentation of All Indian Christian Association leaders SP Singha and Raliram before Boundary Commission made possible to fall Punjab in lot of Pakistan unless Sikhs were in majority and Pakistan was never having Punjab on his map.

What is happening now with Christians in Punjab? Christian life and property is not safe from Muslim mobs and hate on religion is at peak which prohibits Christians to eat even on roadside vendors in same utensils in which Muslim dine. This is not for which Indian Christians supported Pakistan Movement, commented Nazir S Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti said to Muslim leaders that you failed to end hate on religion in Pakistan in 18th amendment in constitution but if you ignored to accept demand of Pakistani Christians to form Separate Christian Province in Punjab then we will be forced to adopt right actions.

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