Muslim blasphemer pardoned while death for Christian accused of blasphemy in Pakistan
Karachi: May 16, 2014. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC has expressed concerns on double standards of implementation of Blasphemy law on citizens of Pakistan because when any Muslim commits blasphemy on electronic media watched by millions then he is pardoned after a simple apology note but when a Christian or Ahmadiyyia community member is accused of blasphemy by one Muslim wittiness then he faces death sentence weather he sworn that he not defiled name of Holy Prophet of Muslims.
“All Christian victims of blasphemy laws after arrests have publically denied committing blasphemy but not any court or complainant have pardoned them but when a Muslim cleric or any Muslim very openly defiles name of Prophet Mohammad then uproar of Islamic decrees appear to Pardon these Muslims” said Dr. Nazir Bhatti
Nazir Bhatti was commenting here today on a morning show of GEO TV in which a lady host of show commits blasphemy along with many other Muslim participants which is witnessed by millions of viewers but no FIR is lodged but Muslim clerics issue decree that after apology of lady show host the registration of case under blasphemy law is not necessary; While when a Christian mother of five Asia Bibi is accused of blasphemy by her Muslim co-workers, she is tortured and arrested instead of her statement that “She not uttered any word to defile Prophet Mohammad but no one comes forward to Pardon her”
It is on record that all Christian victim of blasphemy were arrested on complains of only one Muslim after any personal dispute or any argument which put them behind bars for years.
Nazir Bhatti said “Christian colonies were set on fire, Christians were burnt alive, Christian were brutally murdered in court compounds, Christians were gunned downed and Christian worship places were attacked by Muslim mob on pretext to blasphemy while none of Muslim blasphemer was ever arrested in Pakistan”
PCC Chief demanded immediate release of Asia Bibi, Sawan Masih, Shagufta Kasur and Shafqat Emmanuel who are sentenced to death under accusations of blasphemy and dozens of other Christians and Ahmadiyyia victims of blasphemy who are in jails waiting for trials may be pardoned when submit written apologies like Geo TV Muslim artists are pardoned.
Nazir Bhatti also urged Muslim clerics to issue decree that if Christian victim of blasphemy submit apologies they may also be pardoned and released from jails.