Separate Christian Province in Pakistan
On April, 21, 1992, at Hotel Jabees, Karachi , the President, Pakistan Christian Congress, Mr. Nazir S Bhatti, demanded the separate province for the Christians of Pakistan, dividing Punjab province in 3 provinces. The Christians are second biggest population in Punjab. The recent issue of Christian from JUI is very promising and in favor of solidarity of Pakistan. Its need of time to make more administrative units in Pakistan to satisfy different nations deprived of their rights by the Punjab majority in federation of Pakistan.
Pakistani Christian demand Separate Christian Province
Karachi: April 14, 2010. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC have urged government of Pakistan to accept demand of Hazara Province and divide NWFP in Khyber-Pukhtunkhawa and Hazara provinces before 18th Amendment is endorsed in constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Pakistan Christian Congress PCC demanded formation of “Separate Christian Province” on division of Punjab in 1992, in Karachi, in a crowded Press Conference when PCC Chief Nazir S Bhatti said that after hate towards 15 million Pakistani Christians on religion grounds have left no option to demand Separate Christian Province in South West of Punjab province.
Dr. Nazir Bhatti said “We have always supported formation of Hazara Province, Siraiki province and Gilgit-Bultistan Province as part of federation of Pakistan”
The government of Pakistan have formed Gilgit-Bultistan Province but ignored demand of Separate Christian Province, Siraki Province and Hazara Provinces.
“I condemn discriminatory firing on Hazara Province activists by government of NWFP and pay homage to martyrs of Hazara province” added Nazir Bhatti
Nazir Bhatti said that it is in best interest of Pakistan to divide NWFP, Sindh and Punjab provinces in parts as smaller provinces to enable better administration.
The Christians are second biggest population in Punjab and are always victimized by Muslim majority and deserve right to have Separate Christian Province where they may enjoy freedom of faith and culture.
Nazir S Bhatti clarified here today in a statement issued by Central Secretariat of PCC that Pakistani Christian always demanded formation of Separate Christian Province within Federation of Pakistan and on Division of Punjab nor an independent state.
The PCC President warned government of Pakistan that renaming NWFP as Khyber-Pukhtunkhawa is foundation to break Pakistan and Pakistani Christians have reservations on 18th Amendment.
The repeal of blasphemy law and voting rights were ignored in 18th Amendment while renaming of NWFP was preferred by constitutional reform committee of National Assembly of Pakistan which was objected by Pakistan Christian Congress PCC
Dr. Nazir Bhatti demanded government of Pakistan to form Separate Christian Province in South West part of Punjab province and to award provincial autonomy to Khyber-Pukhtunkhawa, Hazara, Sindh, Balochistan, Siraki, Punjab and Christian Province.
Christian leader calls for a separate Christian province in Pakistan
May 20, 2010 by The Underground Staff
Filed under Causes, Commentary and News
A Christian leader in Pakistan called recently for the formation of a separate Christian province in the country, according to the Pakistan Christian Post.
Nazir S. Bhatti, head of the Pakistan Christian Congress said recently that Pakistan has become a safe haven for Islamic extremist organizations. As a result, they can wage Jihad against the Pakistan government at any time, the PCP reported.
Because of this, Bhatti recommended dividing the Punjab into four provinces, including a Christian province to preserve the country’s solidarity and integrity. Christians are the second largest population in Punjab, according to the PCP.
As of now, some 20 million Pakistani Christians are victims of discrimination and denied equal democratic rights in Pakistan, the PCP said. Nazir Bhatti noted:
■Christians are treated like slaves and untouchables.
■Christians may not dine in Muslim owned restaurants nor drink water in the same glass as Muslims in public places.
■One elected Christian member of the National Assembly of Pakistan was forced to pay for cups, glasses and plates when his delegation ate food from a roadside Muslim vendor.
■Muslim Imams call Christianity a religion of infidels.
■Muslims may force Christian wives to convert, but they may not eat with them.
■If a Christian is found to be eating a Muslim dinner, they will be beaten.
■Christians may not enter the catering business in Pakistan.
■Muslims must not eat food prepared by Christians.
According to Bhatti, the All India Christian Association favored the formation of Pakistan as a separate country upon the assurance that both faiths shall enjoy equal rights. With this assurance, Christians in the Pakistan Movement played a large role in gaining the country’s independence in 1947.
However after the legislation of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1973 Christians became second class citizens in their own land, according to the PCP.
Bhatti noted that historically, Christians were sons of Pakistan soil, while Muslims were invaders who migrated from Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Bhatti said the Muslims forcibly converted Sindhi, Balochi and indigent Punjabi to Islam, the PCP reported
Overwhelming votes to support PCC demand of Separate Christian Province is true voice of Pakistani Christians. Nazir Bhatti
London: August 31, 2008. PCC leaders shall soon tour Canada and EU countries to address seminars and open discussions to seek support for division of Pakistan in 12 federally administered units to be called provincesand formation of Separate Christian Province in southwestern parts of Punjab said Nazir S Bhatti in telephonic conversation to Central Executive Council leaders of PCC.
Nazir Bhatti said, “overwhelming votes in favor of PCC demand is true voice of Pakistani Christians and government shall accept this verdict unless Christian youth shall be forced to take their own course of action”
We have received messages; mails of support and invitation from many countries to address gatherings on issue of Separate Christian Province in Pakistan, which have been accepted, and tours are scheduled in 2009.
Nazir Bhatti clarified that suggestions made by many Pakistani Christian leaders abroad to form exile government of “Christland and Takistan” are not under consideration of Pakistan Christian Congress because we demand Separate Christian Province within federation of Pakistan not an independent Christian country on division of Pakistan.
Nazir S Bhatti urged Christians to unite and join peaceful movement for division of Punjab and formation of Separate Christian Province.
“We support struggles of Siraki and Hazra movement to divide Punjab in three provinces because division of Punjab is important for solidarity of Pakistan” added Nazir Bhatti
Nazir Bhatti paid homage to all who voted in PCP to support demand of Separate Christian Province and urged government to consider it as referendum.
Nazir S Bhatti said that division of Pakistan in autonomous unit is only solution to end terrorism and religious extremism in PakistanPakistan to satisfy different nations deprived of their rights by the Punjab majority in federation of Pakistan.