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Christian welcome Altaf Hussain,s statement on Ideology and History of Pakistan

Karachi: September 10, 2011. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC paid homage to MQM Chief Altaf Hussain on presenting true Ideology and History of Pakistan which have been scratched by anti-Pakistan Muslim historians.

Nazir Bhatti said “Altaf Hussain is first Muslim political leader in Pakistan history who have openly accepted that Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Founder of Pakistan, was true Muslim and a secular leader who never meant Pakistan to be homeland of Muslims only but in his first speech in legislative assembly of Pakistan vowed equal rights for Christians and Hindus and freedom of religion and expression for them”

Nazir Bhatti said that Muslim historians of Pakistan have tainted facts of Pakistan Movement to turn religious minorities to be 2nd class citizens to deny their due share in resources of state and equal rights.

“Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah never formed Pakistan to be an Islamic Republic where Islamic law shall be implemented to undermine religious freedom of other communities which favored Pakistan Movement in Round Table Conferences in London in 1930-32 and voted to fall Punjab in lot of Pakistan before Boundary Commission” added Nazir Bhatti

All India Christian Association leaders voted formation of Pakistan in London Roundtable Conferences and Boundary Commission with All India Muslim League nor Hindus, Sikhs or other religious community in Indian Sub-continent.

“Quaid-e-Azam never raised slogan of (Pakistan Ka Mutalb Kia La-allaha ililla) which translate in English as (Pakistan Means Kalma of Islam) but it was conspired by Islamic elements which were against formation of Pakistan” and it is first time truly admitted publicly by a leader of Muslims who in fore front of Pakistan Movement.

The white strip in Pakistan Flag represents religious minorities and green part represents Muslims. If Pakistan was formed for Muslims only All India Muslim League under leadership of Mohammad Ali Jinnah has painted Pakistan flag to be all Green.

Nazir Bhatti said that it is not Pakistan of Mohammad Ali where clauses about religious minorities were criminally omitted by legislators from preamble of constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan which later ordered by Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan to re-endorse during hearings on 18th Amendment in 2010, after 39 years of legislation of 1973 constitution.

Nazir Bhatti said that Pakistan Christian Congress PCC welcomes statement of MQM Chief and assures him that millions of Pakistani Christians are with you and ready to face any hardship with MQM to prevail truth in Pakistan.

“We urge government of Pakistan to re-write history of Pakistan Movement to add in syllabus of schools and colleges that coming generation may read true Pakistan movement which is important of solidarity and integrity of Pakistan” added President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC

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