submitted by Pakistan on behalf of Organization of the Islamic Conference because it will end Interfaith Dialogues and damage Religious Freedom.
The government of Pakistan through its Federal Minority Ministry is staging drama of “Interfaith Dialogues” in Pakistan and on other hand with such Resolution in UNHRC plans to end dialogues among different faiths.
“The government of Pakistan never condemn burning of Holy Bibles and destruction of Churches by extremist Muslims nor have ever brought culprits before court of law to ensure justice and OIC have been also silent on violence against religious minorities in Islamic countries” said Nazir Bhatti
Dr. Nazir Bhatti added “In thousands of mosques in Pakistan on every Friday Sermons the Imams use derogatory remarks about Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Ahmadi and call them infidels but government of Pakistan have never legislated to stop such hate against their citizens but moves a resolution in UNHRC which proves its double standard on religion freedom”
The Islamic Cleric or Speaker is free to spread hate in public gatherings or in Seminars in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Malaysia but Organization of the Islamic Conference OIC have never urged its member Islamic states to ensure safety of places of worship of religious minorities.
Nazir Bhatti said that it is strange behaviors of Pakistan and OIC that they call Islamphobia to comments of other religions on Islam but feel themselves free to call others Infidel and have not legislated any law to punish Islamic extremists in their respective jurisdictions.
“It is feared that if Anti-Islam Action and Speech Resolution is adopted by UNHRC, then radical Islam will be at liberty to being preached and spread terror around globe” said Nazir Bhatti