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Pakistan Christian Congress to file petition in UN to release Asia Bibi on December 2

New York: November 16, 2010. Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC said that statement of Federal Minister for Minorities Mr. Shahbaz Bhatti to make procedural amendments in blasphemy law is to divert attention from death sentence handed over to Asia Bibi under blasphemy.

Nazir Bhatti clarified that military ruler Parvez Musharraf announced procedural amendment to block misuse of blasphemy law which were approved and legislated under 17th Amendment in constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and 8 year imprisonment was set for those who complain or lodge false blasphemy charges but non was convicted under this law of evidence when courts acquitted blasphemy accused.

Federal Minority Minister Shahbaz Bhatti and PPP government was bound to follow 17th Amendment in constitution on procedural charges in blasphemy law but him or PPP government never followed such procedures in Asia Bibi case FIR nor in dozens of other victims of this controversial law.

Nazir Bhatti said “ Pakistani Christians not trust in promises of PPP government in federation or PML(N) government in Punjab where Christians have been victimized in large number on pretext to blasphemy”

Nazir Bhatti said that after death sentence to Asia Bibi, Christian leaders and common Christians are under fear and not speaking against government of Punjab and government of Pakistan on providing free hand to extremists Muslims because in every blasphemy case only Muslim clerics (Mosque Imams) are complainants when they were never eye witness of any blamed incident while complain filed in Asia Bibi was by an Imam who was also not present in Farm where religious dialogues erupted among Asia Bibi and Muslim co-workers.

Nazir Bhatti said that Pakistani Christian Diaspora in USA will play its positive role to repeal blasphemy law and urged International Forums to raise voice in favor of Pakistani Christians who are being persecuted due to their faith in Pakistan.

“I fear that Muslim extremists and Taliban can repeat incident like Baghdad Church in Pakistan when government of Pakistan is not sincere to adopt necessary measure for safety and security of life and property of Christians” added Nazir Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti announced that legal team of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC is preparing a petition to present to Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of United Nation to release Asia Bibi and to repeal blasphemy law on December 2, 2010, after protest procession by PCC and PCA in front of United Nation offices in New York.


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