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Pakistani Christian deprived of due share in Senate of Pakistan

Karachi: March 4, 2012. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC have expressed grave concern in election results on 4 reserved seats for minorities in Senate of Pakistan in which only one Christian Senator have reached in house.

Nazir Bhatti said that cash and contacts were used to block due share of Christians in Senate of Pakistan by Muslim leaders under imposed Joint Electorate system.

“The Pakistani Christians have been raising voice against Joint Election system which enables Muslim leaders to Select minority representation on seats reserved in provincial assemblies and national assembly of Pakistan because it is un-democratic” said PCC Chief

The Christian deserved Senate seats from Punjab, KPK and Balochistan because they are biggest community after Muslims in these provinces whereas Hindus, Sikhs and other religious communities are not more than few hundreds.

The selections of Sikh Senator from Khyber Pakhtunkhawa KPK and a Hindu Senator from Balochistan have surprised half a million Christian in these provinces.

After Muslims, the Christians are number one in population in Pakistan while Hindus are on number two. There are Sikhs living in KPK, Balochistan and Punjab but are in hundreds. The Hindus are in majority in Sindh province when Christians are in majority in KPK, Balochistan and Punjab. There are more than five million Christians living in Sindh province but Hindus mark up to seven million. The total population of Christians in Pakistan is 20 million.

The religious minorities were enjoying right to elect their representatives by their votes in a democratic way which was disliked by Pakistan Establishment because elected Christian leaders were spending billions of development funds on community uplift and raising voice on floor of house against persecution of Christians.

In 2000, General Parvez Musharraf used Christian tools of establishment against Election system of Christians and other religious minorities and imposed Selection system under Joint Electorate in which religious minorities vote for Muslims and then Muslim parliamentarians select Christian, Hindus, Sikhs and Ahmdi on reserved seats.

“The Hindu feudal lords from Sindh funded billions of rupees to Christian leaders to join them against Election system of Minorities because they were facing defeat in elections from low caste Hindus who are more than six millions in interior Sindh. Such Christian-Hindu tools supported Pakistan establishment to snatch Separate Electorate and to impose Joint Electorate” said Nazir Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti said that Pakistan Christian Congress PCC demanded Christian seats in Senate of Pakistan, 13% seats in National Assembly and Provincial Assemblies which is proportional to their population, delimitation of Christian constituencies and Dual Voting rights in PCC first convention in Lahore in 1985. PCC have been raising voice for increase in Christian seats in democratic institutions and representation in Senate of Pakistan.

Nazir Bhatti said that Martyr Shahbaz Bhatti also “martyred Christian rights” in Pakistan and I must say that he was not only one to demand Senate seats because if Shahbaz Bhatti was so powerful as a federal minister in government then why he failed to introduce repeal of blasphemy law in 18th Amendment in constitution which carried allocation of 4 reserved seats in Senate of Pakistan.

“The Muslim political parties have bagged Christian vote bank and selected such Christian leaders after Joint Electorate who refrain from raising voice for persecuted but spread false propaganda abroad that minorities are enjoying equal rights in Pakistan to safe image of Pakistan that is why PCC have always demanded Election instead of Selection on reserved seats” said Nazir Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti said that billions of rupees have been used to kill Christian representation in Senate of Pakistan from KPK and Balochistan provinces which PCC strongly condemns.

There is only one Christian Senator from Punjab but Senator Kamran Michael is selected by Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group PML (N) which is ruling Punjab province of Pakistan where Christian have been persecuted, oppressed, faced Muslim mob attacks, 96% blasphemy cases registered here and Christian burnt alive but Islamist culprits were never arrested and punished.

Nazir S Bhatti urged government of Pakistan to revive Election on Minorities seats in Senate of Pakistan, National Assembly, Provincial Assemblies and Local Body elections that Christian and other religious communities in Pakistan may elect their leaders with their votes.

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