Dual voting
The system of electorate is very significant in the representation proportional to population in National Assembly of Pakistan, Provincial assemblies and Local Bodies. The Muslim majority political parties with their influence in government agencies always selected Christian candidates of their own choice and declared them returned candidates by rigging under Joint Electorate system.
When we discuss the election system in Pakistan, the demand of separate electorate in sub continent by Muslims during British rule can not be forgotten. Its fact that formation of Pakistan was not possible if Muslims of India have not Separate electorate. But after independence, the Muslim majority in Pakistan seemed reluctant to award Separate Election system to minorities.
For clarifications, its important to submit that Separate Electorate enables minorities to elect their representatives with their own votes. In Joint Election system the Muslim political parties nominate minority candidates and select by parliamentarian vote.
There is one more existing election system in Pakistan and known as rights of Dual vote. The Dual Voting rights are only observed by the Muslims of Kashmir in Pakistan. The Dual voting right is very privileged right for Kashmiri Muslims in Pakistani territory when they can cast votes for their Azad Kashmir Assembly and also vote for National assembly of Pakistan in respective constituencies.
There is no hindrance to award the privilege of Dual voting to Christians that they may elect their own representatives under separate electorate and cast their votes to majority candidates in their respective constituencies like Muslims of Kashmir.
The dual voting with limitation and de limitation of Christian seats constituencies can provide transparent election procedures that true representation of Christians may reach in democratic institutions. The duly elected Christian leaders can more effectively and positively raise voice for Christian rights to solve their problems nor the Muslims selected Christians in house or Muslim leaders.